The Secret Life and Hidden Death of Judas the Galilean

The Secret Life and Hidden Death of Judas the Galilean

by Julian Doyle

These are two extraordinary statements from encyclopaedias:‘Judas was a Jewish leader who led an armed resistance to the census imposed for Roman tax purposes by Quirinius in Judaea Province around 6 AD. The revolt was crushed brutally by the Romans. These events are discussed by Josephus in his book ‘Jewish Wars.’ (Wikipedia) And still more extraordinary here is one from the Jewish Encyclopaedia. [Judas was] ‘leader of a popular revolt against the Romans at the time when the first census was taken in Judea, in which revolt he perished and his followers were dispersed.’ (Jewish Encyclopaedia) But what is so extraordinary? Well there is hardly a word of these supposed expert opinions, that is true, except perhaps: ‘These events are discussed by Josephus in his book, ‘The Jewish War’. Yes, they are discussed by Josephus but there is NOT one word that says: He led an armed resistance to the census’. Or ‘The revolt was crushed brutally by the Romans.’ Or ‘In which revolt he perished and his followers were dispersed.’ Check any encyclopaedia and you will get the same fabrications, but the question is why?

What is there in the story of Judas the Galilean that is causing this odd state of affairs? Is it just bad and sloppy research or is there a deliberate attempt to conceal something. If it is sloppy research it has to be very sloppy because there are only some ten pages in Josephus that mention the Galilean, so if you cannot read ten pages and transcribe them correctly you have to be either pretty dumb, or blind, or very deceitful. The book reproduce all pages (unedited) that mention the Galilean in Josephus, for you to see that nothing like these entries in the encyclopaedias exist. But something else does unravel in the process of reading these excerpts, which will become obvious to the reader, and without exaggeration it unravels the most extraordinary deception ever perpetrated on the World.

The Secret Life and Hidden Death of Judas the Galilean, by Julian Doyle.

Julian Doyle Books

Described by Python Terry Jones as “an original polymath”, Julian is a leading expert on Christian history and mythology. His books include The Monumental Secret of the Crucifixion, The Assassination of Mary Magdalene, Heretics: The True Christians, The Gospel According to Monty Python, and his latest work, historical mystery thriller The Jericho Manuscript.