Who Killed Jesus?

Who Killed Jesus?

by Julian Doyle

This is a detective story stimulated by some extraordinary happenings on the film set of Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Unexpectedly, during the course of the investigation, the monumental secret hinted at over the centuries has been uncovered.

This letter sent by Louis Fouquet to his brother Nicholas after a meeting in Rome with the mysterious painter Poussin reveals knowledge of the secret:

‘He and I discussed certain things, which I shall with ease be able to explain to you in detail – things which will give you, through Monsieur Poussin, advantages which even kings would have great pains to draw from him, and which, according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever rediscover in the centuries to come.’

Fouquet was arrested and imprisoned soon after and held strictly incommunicado for the rest of his life. Some historians regard him as a possible candidate for the ‘Man in the Iron Mask’. All his correspondence was confiscated by King Louis XIV, who inspected them personally. The King went on to obtain Poussin’s arcane painting of Les Bergers d’Arcadia, which he kept hidden in his private apartments.

But now searching links between the history of Rome and the latest biblical research, we finally reveal the extraordinary and truly monumental secret that Fouquet thought ‘nobody would ever rediscover in the centuries to come.’

Who Killed Jesus? by Julian Doyle

Julian Doyle Books

Described by Python Terry Jones as “an original polymath”, Julian is a leading expert on Christian history and mythology. His books include The Monumental Secret of the Crucifixion, The Assassination of Mary Magdalene, Heretics: The True Christians, The Gospel According to Monty Python, and his latest work, historical mystery thriller The Jericho Manuscript.